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WISECP - Veacom Theme

HomepageSoftware ServicesVea PremiumWISECP - Veacom Theme
(One Time)

WISECP - Veacom Theme

Modern ve Şık Tasarım
Full Responsive (Mobil Uyumlu)
Gelişmiş Yönetim Paneli
Hızlı ve Sorunsuz
Kurulum ve Teknik Destek

Veacom theme is advanced VISECP Theme with customized all pages

Server Requirements
- PHP 7.4 - 8.3
- IonCube v12
- WISECP V3.1.8
Adsense Hosting
%20'ye Varan indirimler
Adsense ile para kazanıyorsanız bu hosting hesabı size hem trafik hemde alan bakımında yeterli olacaktır.
Önceki 276,20 ₺ /ay
Şimdi 223,30 ₺ /ay
Şimdi Al
Ekonomik Hosting
%15'ye Varan indirimler
Bu ürün ile en uygun fiyat avantajlarından yararlanarak bir hosting sahibi olabilirsiniz.
Önceki 144,10 ₺ /ay
Şimdi 93,04 ₺ /ay
Şimdi Al

Ürün Açıklaması

Important notes!

-Theme sales will be made to a maximum of 20 people.
- The theme is Wisecp integrated. After purchasing, you can install it directly from the panel.
- Extra requests belong to the purchaser, editing on the theme is not provided.
- In case of possible updates, the person who purchased the theme is responsible for updating it.
- You must have a WISECP license to use the theme.
- Theme files will be sent to your e-mail address, you can easily install from the admin page.
- There is no return option.

Installation Instructions

Veacom Theme Settings

You can easily install your theme from the admin panel by clicking Install Theme from the Settings > Theme Settings > Theme Management menu.
You can change the Theme Logo from the same section.
Some language translations related to the theme are made within the theme files.

You can change the announcement section at the top and fields such as WhatsApp and phone number from the file below.
1. You can edit via ftp or cpanel. By ftp, go to the wisecp installation directory and edit the main-header-2.php file in the directory below.
file: main-header-2.php

2. To change the logo that appears while loading the page, go to the directory below
Replace the load.png file with your own logo.

3. In the footer section, you can change the 3 contact section on the right side and the footer text at the bottom. Edit the main-footer.php file.


4. You can change the menus specifically for yourself from your Theme's Menu settings.

5. You can change the texts in the popup on the side menu in the /public_html/templates/website/veacom/js/veajs directory using footer.js and footerms.js.

6. To change the loading logo


Change load.png.

7. Tawk to remove or change the live support box in the bottom corner
You can remove the tawk codes at the top of footer.js by going to the directory.

8. The slide you want to change on the homepage, and other areas

It is in the index.php file in the directory.

Update Version History

Veacom 1.0

Firmanıza Özel Sorularınızı Sorun

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  • Merak ettiğiniz konu başlığını kısa ve net olacak şekilde yazın.
  • Merak ettiğiniz konu hakkında detayları yazılı ve gerekirse görsellerle destekleyerek anlatın.
  • Alanında uzman ekip arkadaşlarımız sorduğunuz soruyu inceledikten sonra cevaplasın.

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